The Blessing of a Dog

animals, dogs

November 21, 2018



“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself.”

–Josh Billings

“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.”

–Roger Caras



Happy Thanksgiving!

I have many things in this life to be thankful for. We all have struggles and pain, but if we focus on our blessings and the good we are capable of, they will always outshine the hurt in life. . . The broken pieces are where the light gets through.

Of my many blessings, I am truly blessed to know the love of a dog, my sweet German Shepherd, Raven. She is my best friend and she is always right at my side with a warm snuggle and a kiss. She has a gift of making my not-so-great days disappear! We do practically everything together! In fact, you will usually find her with me when I am outdoors working or exploring.

Last week I was asked to visit the Greenmore Farm Animal Rescue. They were in need of a volunteer photographer to capture some of their sweet rescue dogs who are eagerly waiting to find new homes. It’s no secret I love photographing animals, so I was happy to help! I spent some time on the farm with their dogs and met some of their other cute residents as well. They had two new donkeys on the farm and I couldn’t get enough of them! They were so sweet and loving.

On this day of giving thanks, I would like to thank all of you for joining me in this photography journey. It means so much to share with you the world as I see it through my lens. If you have a love for animals, dogs in particular, I would encourage you to visit your local rescue group or animal shelter and meet some of the dogs and cats who are waiting for that special someone to connect with. Yes, we are all busy in life and we can all make a million excuses for why we shouldn’t adopt a dog. The truth is, we need them more than they need us. A connection with a dog also helps us to connect with nature and both connections are desperately needed in this life. You need the love and companionship of an animal and you need to have a connection with the natural earth that surrounds you. When you allow yourself to find both, you gain a deeper understanding to the universe that surrounds you.

If you are local here in PA and you want to meet one of the sweet pups shown here, please reach out to the Greenmore Farm Animal Rescue!



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Here to capture the magical moments between you and your loved ones

I believe it is in our DNA to be connected to nature, animals and each other. When I look through the lens of my camera, I want to highlight this connection and preserve it so you can share your story with future generations.

work with shelley