Thank You for Sharing This Journey With Me! See You on the Shores of North Carolina!

business resources

June 8, 2023



My Friends, the day has come to pack our final things and head south to the ocean. All of this still feels like a dream but I am so incredibly grateful because it is a dream come true! A blessing from the Heavens!

If you scheduled a session with me these past few months or just reached out to say goodbye, Thank You! I have cherished all the sweet words, kind wishes and positive vibes!

As I close this post, I would like to take a moment to thank each and every one of you who have joined me on this photography journey. Whether you booked me for sessions, or simply follow along on my blog and social media, Thank You! This business only works because of you and I truly value your support. I hope you will stick with me and continue on this grand adventure and I hope to see you all again soon!

I cannot forget to acknowledge and thank the photographers I have had the gift of meeting while living here. In particular, Ed Heaton, you truly are a Master of Light and your work continues to inspire me. Thank you for always being willing to answer my questions and guide me in the right direction when I was unsure of equipment purchases and camera settings!

Mark Bergkvist, I have enjoyed attending your workshops with “The Photography Workshop” and had such a great time meeting other photographers at the different locations. Keep teaching and hosting these workshops. They are needed and give us photographers a place to learn and try new things! The Pennhurst workshops were a favorite and I am grateful for all I learned from you! I was so happy you joined us recently to photograph horses. What a fun evening that was, just hanging out in the fields, chatting and taking pictures!

Scotty Bahn, thank you for reaching out to me out of the blue and asking me to join you to photograph some horses! I love your enthusiasm and desire to learn the art of photography, especially equine photography. It is through our images that we give these horses a voice and show the world their strength and magic. Never stop following your heart with your photography. It is not a skill you will learn overnight but if you are truly called to it, let nothing stand in the way of chasing that dream! Most of all, believe in yourself and don’t let the opinions of bystanders sway your confidence.

Last but certainly not least, I want to thank The Nokota Preserve, Chester Springs and The Nokota Horse Conservancy. Christine McGowan, meeting you and learning about the Nokota Horses has been my absolute favorite part of living here in PA. You and those incredible horses welcomed me in several years ago and gave me a new purpose. In the years I have visited your farm, I have been incredibly blessed to capture magical photographs of these special horses and I will forever cherish having a small part in raising funds to save them. These horses have changed me and my photography and I will forever treasure them and you for that priceless gift. Thank you for believing in me and allowing me access to the horses all these years. If ever my photography can be of service to these horses or your non-profits, I would be honored and you can count me in!

My family and my business are heading south to the coast of North Carolina, specifically Surf City and Topsail Island! I cannot wait to set up shop down there and get outside with my camera and gear. I am so very excited to connect with new families and be a part of documenting their seasons of life as I photograph them along the coast! If you should ever visit the beach or North Carolina, I would love to photograph your family in a beautiful new location and I am so excited to meet new families and make new friends!

My social media accounts, cell phone and website will all remain the same, so reach out if I may be of service to your family in the future!

Hope to see you all at the beach!

Much love to you all!

God’s Blessings!


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  1. Dear Shelley,

    I hope this message finds you well. It has been an absolute privilege to have you as a student in my photography classes and workshops. Your participation and eagerness to learn have truly enriched our community. Your dedication to your craft and the creativity you show through your lens has left an indelible impression on me.

    The way you capture the essence of equine subjects is nothing short of mesmerizing. Your photos do more than just depict these majestic animals; they tell a story, evoke emotions, and truly encapsulate the souls of these extraordinary creatures.

    As you embark on your new journey in North Carolina, I know that you will continue to pursue your passion and thrive in whatever you set out to do. The fields and rolling hills will undoubtedly provide an amazing backdrop for your equine photography. And I am sure the horses there will find as much joy in your presence as we have here.

    Even though we are parting ways for now, remember that the lessons you’ve learned and the skills you’ve developed here will stay with you forever. The world of photography is vast and endless, and I can’t wait to see where your journey takes you next.

    Please do keep in touch, and I look forward to the day our paths cross again. May your camera always be ready, your light always perfect, and your creativity never-ending.

    Take care, Shelley. Best of luck on your new adventure.

    Warmest regards,

Here to capture the magical moments between you and your loved ones

I believe it is in our DNA to be connected to nature, animals and each other. When I look through the lens of my camera, I want to highlight this connection and preserve it so you can share your story with future generations.

work with shelley