What You Seek is Seeking You

equine photos, Native American

May 6, 2018




Only after the last tree has been cut down.

Only after the last river has been poisoned.

Only after the last fish has been caught….

Only then will you realize that money cannot be eaten.

—Cree Prophesy


Winter has finally let go of Mother Earth and she has sprung alive in the warmth of spring. Everywhere I look, color is returning and the warm sun welcomes me outside to bask in her light. I always enjoy my days at the Nokota Preserve, but the spring weather definitely makes my visits even more enjoyable! Even the horses seem to enjoy the warm sun and the rolling breeze. I often find them laying down resting under the warmth of the sun’s rays while I visit.

I love to sit among these magical horses and watch them for hours on end. It is always a gift when they walk over to greet me. They speak a language I am beginning to understand and they speak it through their eyes and their touch. The more I am around them, the more I feel a need to share their magic with everyone else, in the hope that you will cherish their lineage and their history and see the necessity in saving them. They are the last of their kind…a dying breed being stripped of the lands they’ve roamed freely for hundreds of years. The Nokota Horse Conservancy has done so much to save these horses and given them new lands to roam but they need your help to feed and maintain them and help them survive.


I hope you enjoy today’s images and I hope they speak to your soul as much as they speak to mine.

What you seek is seeking you…




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Here to capture the magical moments between you and your loved ones

I believe it is in our DNA to be connected to nature, animals and each other. When I look through the lens of my camera, I want to highlight this connection and preserve it so you can share your story with future generations.

work with shelley