Introducing the Legacy Session!

legacy sessions

May 16, 2022



The Greatest Legacy We Can Leave For Our Loved Ones Is The Story Of Our Lives And How We Loved. It Is Through Our Pictures, Writings And Stories That Generations To Come Will Learn Who We Were And Keep Our Memory Alive

Friends, I am so incredibly excited to share a special new offering with you! Read on to learn what it is and how I can serve your family with these beautiful sessions!

Drum roll please…..My friends, I present to you The Legacy Session!

I have fond memories while growing up of looking through old photographs and asking questions about the people and places I saw. It was in those images that I learned about my ancestors and where I came from. I saw their struggles and their successes. Their happiness and love. I saw myself in their faces and in the stories I learned about them. Those old black and white images gave me a special connection to my family from long, long ago and revived their Legacy.

Taking pictures today is very different from years past. Today everyone has a cell phone and a digital cloud full of images. We take pictures of everything as we race through life; The special moments are fleeting. We are in such a rush to get to the next item on our To-Do list or the next sports practice, that we forget to slow down and recognize the precious moments that will quickly disappear.

I’ve learned that life turns on a dime and sometimes we regret those moments we let slip past. Sometimes you can’t go back and be present in those special seasons of life. Sometimes those memories and stories disappear and are forever lost for the generations to come. So many times, lives are ended, families are fractured, stories are cut short. Have you ever considered what happens to your digital cloud and your story when you are gone? More times than not, those memories will disappear, and with them, a large part of your life-story.

As a photographer, I have always believed that it is a gift to be invited into a family’s story to help document the seasons of their lives. It seems these days, many families and photographers are always looking for quick photo sessions to grab some new images that they can use on social media, holiday cards, etc. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with scheduling a Family/Lifestyle Session or a Mini-Session when you want new family images to share with family and friends! As a photographer, I agree these sessions are valuable and serve a purpose and they give you beautiful memories! But sometimes our lives and the special seasons need so much more than these quick moments in cookie-cutter locations and sessions! I believe there are moments in our lives that deserve something more detailed and special.

Last fall I found a fellow photographer who had these same feelings and I was captivated by the new sessions she was shooting and the beautiful stories and memories she was creating for her clients. I have spent several months taking some of her ideas and inter-weaving them with my own vision and I am so incredibly excited to now share this new offering with all of you!

The Legacy Session is not your typical Family/Lifestyle Session. It is a beautifully detailed and connected experience that leaves you with tangible memories that may be enjoyed now and long after we are gone for the generations to come. Each Legacy Session is created individually to document your story in this season of life. I will work closely with you to tell your story and preserve it. Its value only increases when a session becomes a part of a collection that is curated over time, throughout the different seasons of your lives.

Our lives and our stories are to be cherished. Capturing our Legacy is a gift to our loved ones. While some Legacy Sessions are scheduled to document a new birth or an anniversary, others are prompted by aging family members, an illness or life-changing event.

Whatever your reason, I am here to walk that journey with you and share in your awareness that life is delicate and precious and each of us are to be cherished and remembered.

To learn more about these Legacy Sessions, reach out to me! Let’s chat! Shoot me an email, fill out the “Contact” page on my website, or message me through social media! Let’s create something beautiful together!

I would be honored to connect with you and learn how I may serve your family in telling your story!

What will your Legacy be?

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Here to capture the magical moments between you and your loved ones

I believe it is in our DNA to be connected to nature, animals and each other. When I look through the lens of my camera, I want to highlight this connection and preserve it so you can share your story with future generations.

work with shelley